Major media outlets publications:
The Telegraph Luxury - UK
"The next big thing: the container hotel"
Die Welt - Germany
"Bei diesem Hotel reisen die Zimmer mit dem Gast"
Fox News - USA
"Radical new hotel design..."
Daily Mail - UK
"Hotel of the future: Unveiled"
El Mundo - Spain
"El hotel más divertido del mundo"
La Vanguardia - Spain
"El Jenga Hotel"
Folha de São Paulo - Brazil
"Escritórios criativos projetam hotel de contêineres"
Le Parisien Magazine - France
"L’ère des containers"
La Nouvelle Republique - France
"L'hotel de l'architecte Sellois fait le buzz mondial"
China Daily - China
"hive-Inn hotel design unveiled"
Apple Daily - Hong Kong
National Global News - Canada
"Hotel made from recycled shipping containers"
Focus Magazine - Germany
"Hotel aus Containern"
Huffington post - Canada
"... container hotel would be so rad in Vancouver"
El Commercio -Peru
"...hotel donde dormir en un contenedor tiene estilo"
المستقبل - Almustaqbal - Libanon
"فندق المستقبل"
Baublatt - Switzerland
"Schlafen bei Lamborghini, Vuitton & Co."
Blick - Switzerland
"So sieht das Hotel der Zukunft aus"
Bild - Germany
"Dieser Jenga-Turm ist ein Hotel!"
Les Echos - France
"l'hotel en boites"
ABC News - USA
"World's craziest hotels"
T-Online - Germany
"Dieses Hotel wächst mit seinen Gästen"
Yahoo News
"Could Hive-Inn be the future of sustainable design?"
"The Hive-Inn is a unique hotel concept"
CTV News- Canada
"hotel made of recycled shipping containers could be next
architectural trend"
Buro 247 - Russia
"Отель из грузовых контейнеров Hive-Inn от OVA studio"
"OVA studio enables traveling container hotel rooms with hive-inn"
World Architecture News
"HlVE-INN concept by Ova Studio combines
advertising, recycling and hospitality"
"Amazing Jenga-Like Hotel Made Recycled Shipping Containers"
Detail on line - Germany
"A mobile hotel concept: Hotel rooms to go"
Dzine Trip
"Hotel rooms designed to travel"
"Experience Real Life Tetris With This Traveling Hotel Room Design"
"Modular Farm Concept Brings Nature to the Heart of New York"
La Stampa Stile - Italy
"Il palazzo di container, Hive-Inn"
Redesign Revolution
"Hive-Inn City Farm NYC_ Rethinking Downtown Agriculture"
"OVA Studio Transforms Shipping Containers into Modular Urban Farming Ecosystem"
Voir Vert Mag - Canada
"La ferme urbaine Hive-Inn"
Igor & Crichka Bogdanov - Editions Flammarion
"Le livre des merveilles Technologiques"
All That is Interesting
"Hive-Inn City Farm Revolutionizes Urban Farming"
" Inner city vertical farm"
L'Opinion - France
"L’âge du modulaire"
Montreal Guide Condo - Canada
"Des containers pour jardiner a New York"
20 Minutes Genève- Switzerland
"Les fonds marins idylliques s’invitent dans les piscines de demain"
Rheinische Post - Germany
" Wo man mit 3D-Haien schwimmen kann"
CLAD magazine
"prototype brings the oceans to life"
RTBF - Belgium
"Nager avec des requins en 3D dans le Swimarium"
SCMP Luxury magazine - Hong Kong
"Luxury pool with a view"
T-Online - Germany
"Eine Mischung aus Pool und 3D-Kino"
New Atlas
" Swimarium the virtual reality swimming pool"
Brit + Co
"This cool pool lets you swim in oceans around the world"
"The Swimarium 3D is a truly immersive experience that one imagines is like being inside a Pixar Movie"
"Swimarium could be the next big thing in luxury swimming pools"